
David Harber Garden Sculpture

David Harber is an award winning artist creating innovative sculptural designs. He is renowned for his exquisite signature sundials, sculptures and water features. He has collections around the UK and abroad from private gardens to corporate headquarters and displays every year at the Chelsea Flower Show. Using materials such as brass, copper, bronze, stainless steel and stone, his sculptures are organic and take on a natural form which blends in to the garden landscape beautifully. Harber explains “an ornament adorns and embellishes the garden, but when a piece transcends into art the garden becomes the backdrop or gallery”.

His sundials are inspired by concepts of shadow and change and Harber sees them not just as a scientific instrument, but as a beautiful object that tells the story of time. The playful use of light distorting and reflecting the immediate environment is a key element making his sculptures so complex and enchanting. The sculptures take on a three dimensional design which celebrate unpredictability, illusion and the recurring patterns of passing time.

Graduate Landscapes have a strong working history with David and his work is admired by both our designers and our clients. Our garden designers relish incorporating David’s sculptures in to their designs as their natural beauty, form and detail, work perfectly in the garden environment. Interacting and playing with light through highly polished reflections, they work magnificently in a well thought out garden design scheme, and create a focus point for the eye. There are never any concerns how the sculptures will age, as they react and engage with the environment, maturing like the rest of the garden over the months and years.

Our strong relationship with David means we intimately understand how his sculptures are best woven in to a design to create a beautiful visual relationship. We work closely with David to make sure the sculpture is tailored uniquely to reflect the identity of the space it’s intended for, making the final design and experience, bespoke and original. As part of the design process we develop a mood board to show how a sculpture will be inextricably linked with the other elements in the garden design. Our garden design portfolio gives you some example of the gardens where his work has been used. Click Here to view examples.