
Landscaping Coronavirus – working safely during the pandemic

During the coronavirus pandemic as lockdown slowly eases, Graduate Landscapes have evolved our working practices keep our customers, staff and members of the public safe. We are following best practice guidelines, and being ISO and Bali registered ensures high standards. In this article we wanted to share with you our extensive working procedures.

Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments are key when having work undertaken, it’s imperative to think about risk to customers and employees ahead of work starting to ensure the design project is carried out safely.  GL designers use a Risk Assessment Method Statements (RAMS). This document contains details of the hazards as well as a step-by-step working guide that employees and others follow.

Social distancing:
Whilst carrying out work during Coronavirus, we ensure we are always keeping both the client safe and our workers through a number of measures. Social distancing needs to be adhered to, whether this is through client contact or how workers work alongside each other. GL’s site team do not make contact with the client, we have a separate team unit who communicates throughout the process at all times. If you have any particular need or concern, this can be discussed at any time.

We are happy to carry out work for people who might be high risk or vulnerable as we can safely carry out work with minimal contact. We agree client contact procedures and conduct on-site, to make sure everyone is happy and reassured.

When arriving at a project, we ensure we only have two people per vehicle, if there are three people on site, the third person drives in a separate vehicle. When it comes to designing and discussing requirements, our designers arrange ‘safe meetings’ in order to discuss designs, the project and reduce the number of people each person in our team has contact with whilst at work.

Cleaning and PPE
Our team offsite and onsite team wear face coverings, where appropriate. We supply sanitisers, hand for the workers, and onsite workers use designated washing and toilet facilities. It is also important to ensure equipment and the site itself is kept clean and safe. GL ensure tools and equipment are only be shared within the small team and cleaned regularly. We make sure there are adequate disposal arrangements for any materials during and at the end of the project.

Workforce Management:
We use ‘fixed teams or partnering’ (so that each person works with only a few others) with no outside contractors involved and minimise worker congregation. Shared activity time is kept as short as possible, with most work distanced. If our workers show any signs of illness, we respond quickly and work to the strict test and trace government rules.

Goods Delivery:
We prearrange delivery procedure so there is no contact with external delivery personnel and organise socially distanced deliveries.