
Gardening in November!

The bright and colourful resplendent autumnal days are making way fast for fresh and cooler winter days. Whilst the array of colours outside start to fade and all you want to do is cosy up inside with a log fire and warm duvet, your plants will also appreciate a little wrapping up too! Bubble wrap is perfect to keep your container plants warm and insulated. Protect them from the elements by moving to warmer sheltered spots and bring any particularly tender plants to the greenhouse or garage. It’s also a good idea to raise containers up from the ground to prevent waterlogging with the November rain.
Whilst your garden might be looking a bit bare at this time of year, think ahead to spring and plant bulbs like daffodils, tulips and crocuses. Those little green shoots that will start emerging after winter days will happily welcome and launch your garden in to bright and colourful spring. Plant bulbs in containers or direct in to soil, but try to cover the bulbs with twice the depth of soil or compost.
Garlic, shallots and onions can also be sown this time of the year, plant garlic directly in to the soil but remember to mark out where it is. Shallots and onions may benefit from a bit of bubble wrap or fleece to keep them nice and warm. November is also a great opportunity to do a bit of garden tidying. The last of the autumnal leaves have fallen gracefully to the ground so a final sweeping up will be in order. If you haven’t already created your own leaf mulch, store leaves in strong bags, pierce holes in the bags and tie loosely. If the mulch becomes too dry over the coming months, you can just moisten a little occasionally. The leaf mould will slowly decay and in two years’ time use as compost. It can even be used now as a light cover for the veg patch to improve the soil ready for your next batch of produce next year.
Whilst in the throes of tidying, you may be tempted to do a little bit of pruning, but try not to get too enthusiastic as trees and shrubs shouldn’t be pruned till late winter or early spring. Beech, Hazel and Hawthorn trees however should be pruned, likewise climbing roses and shrub roses should be pruned to protect your roses from wind rot.
Christmas is just around the corner as we are all more than aware! Start harvesting your cabbages, brussel sprouts, celeriac and parsnip ready for the Christmas Day feast. What better way to enjoy the fruits of your hard labour on Christmas Day. So start getting festive, warm yourself up by the log fire, treat yourself to a winter warmer and before you know it, you will be humming Christmas carols!