
The importance of owning your garden design.

We would suggest the garden master plan is an invaluable document in order to create a garden with a clear structure, which is beautifully planted to deliver lasting quality in your outdoor space for the whole family to enjoy.

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Today is Armistice Day. It is the day that marks the end of the First World War and getting close to 11 am and a silence that sweeps Europe

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Keep your garden fit during the cold season

We are saying goodbye to the season of mist and mellow fruitfulness and hello to a potential winter chill.

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The perfect entertainment space

Lazing in the garden with friends and family is an important ritual not to be missed out on during the long, and hopefully hot, days this summer.

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Autumn glory

It’s now mid-October and even though the days are very noticeably drawing in, the weather is proving stubbornly mild. There is life left in Dahlias, Asters and Cannas and the Maples and Liquidambers are putting on a great show of fiery autumn colour.

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“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” Cicero

Tony Richards, managing director of Graduate Landscapes muses on Latin, gardens and his mother in law …

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Edibles Plants. The beginning of a journey.

This is the first of what hopefully will be an ongoing series of roughly monthly blog posts detailing the adventures of a gardener on the Surrey/Hampshire border.

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Back To School. Back to gardening!

Five steps to prepare your garden for the cold season!

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Oxfam The Trailwalker 100k

This summer, to celebrate our 20th year, 20 members of our staff are participating in a terribly gruelling event in aid of Oxfam.

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Handy tips to utilise your outdoor space

At Graduate Landscapes, we believe that one of the easiest and most effective ways to utilise your outside space is to create an outdoor living area.

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